Twitter Threads


In addition to the articles available on this site, here is a list of Threads : sequences of Tweets on the same subject, coming from my Twitter account! They are sorted by category (Engineering, History, Development).

You will find on this page the introduction Tweets of the Thread, in fact being the first Tweet of the discussion. Click on a Tweet to open it in Twitter directly. (Sometimes you have to click on the first lines of text only)

Engineering :

How Stealth works on aircrafts :

Electronic and Space Warfares :

The SR-71 engines and the Mach 3 capable air intakes :

Helicopters swashplates :

The Head Up Displays ( HUDs ) :

Critical Mach Number and transsonic airflow :

Aerodynamic stalls :

Rockets guidance systems :

Non-turbulent airflow intakes for turbojets :

Helicopters NO Tail Rotor (NOTAR) system :

History :

Each ISS module + detailed ISS build history :

The Ariane rocket family :

The two Boeing 747 "Shuttle Carrier Aircraft" :

The Chrysler Turbine, a car with a helicopter turbine :

Air launchs to orbit :

Corona Spy satellites family :

MeteoSat satellite family :

Development :

Ray Tracing project for University :

My "Exponential Clock" ( JavaScript ) :

Simulating a basic EcoSystem ( JavaScript ) :